##HAT-Text {version}
##HAT-Text = File identifier {version} = Version number for this text file format, {year}{month}{day} {year} = 2 digits, 9x = years 1990..1999 0x = years 2000..2009 {month} = 2 digits, 01..12 {day} = 2 digits, 01..31
##HAT-Text 981029
##Characters U {uppercase} L {lowercase} X {special}
##Characters = Section header {uppercase} = International uppercase characters{lowercase} = International lowercase characters
{special} = Some special characters
##Protection {password} {processor} {description} {processor} {description} ...
##Protection = Section header {password} = Password currenty in use {processor} = Serial number of a HAT processor {description} = Free text to describe processor user or usage
##Protection sesam AA24N007 D.Garrison AA24P012 C.Bellman BD08P006 Sales Manager BD22P011 Reserved for future
##BaseOptions CN {ordinalDigits} CD {cardDecimals} CT {xCardTitle} LT {xLineText} LV {xValueTitle} R {referenceID} EC {codeCount}
##BaseOptions = Section header {ordinalDigits} = Number of ordinal digits in Card ID (1..5) {cardDecimals} = Number of decimals in card values (0..6) {xCardTitle} = Custom title for card titles {xLineText} = Custom title for line texts {xValueTitle} = Custom title for line values {referenceID} = Reference ID (may include Card ID operators) {codeCount} = Number of HAT and host codes in dimensions (optional)
##BaseOptions CN 3 CD 2 LT Description LV Amount R 921002-999# EC 2012
##SaveSetup {name} {selector} {selector} ...
##SaveSetup = Section header {name} = Name of this save setup {selector} = Save setup data Currently defined selectors: FT = Use text file format FN = Use normal file format SH+ = Include characters section SH- = Exclude characters section SP+ = Include protection section SP- = Exclude protection section SB+ = Include base options section SB- = Exclude base options section SS+ = Include save setup sections SS- = Exclude save setup sections SI+ = Include import setup sections SI- = Exclude import setup sections ST+ = Include time scale sections ST- = Exclude time scale sections SD+ = Include dimension sections SD- = Exclude dimension sections SC+ = Include card section SC- = Exclude card section SM+ = Include analysis templates section SM- = Exclude analysis templates section SG+ = Include analysis defaults section SG- = Exclude analysis defaults section DF {dimfilters} = Dimension component filters for each dimension {dimfilters} = {filter}{filter}{filter}... {filter} = A = Include all components C = Include active components only U = Include components in use only N = Exclude all components DL {dimlinks} = Dimension reference link codes for each dimension {dimlinks} = {link}{link}{link}... {link} = C = Use HAT-codes H = Use host codes T = Use dimension texts BD{dim} {expr} = Dimension expressions for card selection BC {from} {to} = Card IDs for card selection BY {expr} = Card title expression BL {expr} = Line text expression BV {expr} = Value expression GC = Include complete cards in card selection GG = Include complete groups in card selection GL = Include selected lines only in card selection TF {expr} = Template filter expression TO+ = Include open templates only TO- = Disable "open templates only" feature M{dim} - = Exclude dimension {dim} from all sections M{dim} {srcdim} = Map dimension {srcdim} to {dim} in all sections
##SaveSetup SS1 FT SP- SS- SI- SG+ DF ACAA BD2 T Tulot GC TF Dine M4 3
##ImportSetup {name} {selector} {selector} ...
##ImportSetup = Section header {name} = Name of this import setup {selector} = Import setup data Currently defined selectors: FV = Variable field lengths FX = Fixed field lengths AM = ASCII Extended Macintosh character set A7 = ASCII 7-bit character set AP = IBM-PC character set AW = ANSI Windows character set AE = EBCDIC character set M {dateformat} = Date format {dateformat} = YYMMDD YYDDMM MMDDYY DDMMYY Y/M/D Y/D/M M/D/Y D/M/Y T {integer} = Row Terminator (ASCII code) S {integer} = Field Separator (ASCII code) D {integer} = Decimal Separator (ASCII code) RC {integer} = Number of rows for card information RL {integer} = Number of rows for line information H = New components in hierarchy CF {string} = These two selectors define character conversions. CT {string} = Character in CF-string is converted to character at same position in CT-string. CS {string} = Characters in CS-string are excluded - = Separator line for multiple line definitions V {float} = Scaling factor for values ZK = Do not exclude zero lines Field definitions are stored in selectors beginning with an 'L'. Following format and selectors are used: {FSelector} {FCode} {FCode} {FCode} ... {FSelector} = LX = Card Switcher LC = Card Indicator LL = Line Indicator LI = Card ID LT = Card Title LN = Notes Lc = Created Lm = Modified Le = Examined La = Approved L{dim} = Dimensions LZ = Line Text LV = Value {FCode} = F{integer} = Field number B{integer} = First character position E{integer} = Last character position T{text} = Character string defining the text / default value +{integer} = ASCII code for the separator character and implication of a following linked field
##ImportSetup FlatFormat FV AM T 13 D 46 CF {}| CT ŒŠš CS "`« H LI 1 0 0 LV 3 0 0 L1 0 0 0 IH L2 2 0 0
Note that subset names must follow certain rules. Blanks and set operators are not allowed in them. These restrictions simplify further usage of subset names in expressions.
#Subset {name} {selector} {selector} {selector} ..........
##Subset Section header {name} Name of the global subset {selector} These selectors define the details of the subset.Subset Variable Seletors:
VN {name} Name (must be the first line) VD{dim} {expr} Dimension expressions VY {expr} Card title expression VL {expr} Line text expression VV {expr} Value expression VS {expr} Subset expression (only for local subsets) Vk {expr} Card ID expression VA {expr} Notes expression Vc {time} {sign} Card created expressions Vm {time} {sign} Card modified expressions Ve {time} {sign} Card examined expressions Vp {time} {sign} Card approved expressions Va {time} {sign} Notes signature expressions {time} = Time expression {sign} = Signature expressionSubset Generic Seletors:
F {expr} Formula expression
#Subset Foo VN A Ve \ F A
sn {name} {selector} {selector} {selector} ..........
{name} Name of the local subset {selector} These selectors define the details of the subset.Subset Variable Seletors:
sN {name} Name (must be the first line) sD{dim} {expr} Dimension expressions sY {expr} Card title expression sL {expr} Line text expression sV {expr} Value expression sS {expr} Subset expression (only for local subsets) sk {expr} Card ID expression sA {expr} Notes expression sc {time} {sign} Card created expressions sm {time} {sign} Card modified expressions se {time} {sign} Card examined expressions sp {time} {sign} Card approved expressions sa {time} {sign} Notes signature expressions {time} = Time expression {sign} = Signature expressionSubset Generic Seletors:
sf {expr} Formula expression
sn S1 sN K sD2 C Costs sV 20 sf K
##TimeScale {name} {start} {code} {start} {code} ...
##TimeScale = Section header {name} = Name of this time scale {start} = Card ID of the first card in the period {code} = Code of the period
##TimeScale Accounting Periods 900103-001 P9001 900204-001 P9002 900306-001 P9003 900404-001 P9004