Release notes for HAT 5.4

HAT 5.4.1 . 2009-05-11
  • Added Shibboleth-checkbox for each user in Web-Users dialog.
  • Added default language and format for each user in Web-Users dialog.
  • Added support parenthesis after text and host operators in dimension search logic. For example, =(foo¬bar).
  • Fixed text search with links embedded. Previously two separate matches were done, first on a string with links, secondly links stripped. This, however, gave unexpected results, especially with not-operator. Now expression logic is fully parsed first, and the two separate matches (with links and links stripped) are carried out on an atomic level.
HAT 5.4.1b3 . 2009-03-20
  • Fixed template filters to accept template pathnames without space after colon.
  • Fixed "In Use" component filter when using stacked dimensions in Components and Component Functions.
HAT 5.4.1b2 . 2009-02-23
  • Web-HAT: added Shibboleth authentication.
HAT 5.4.1b1 . 2009-02-02
  • Added Time Scale names in from/to Card-ID operators.
  • Moved Time Scale sections in front of Save Setup sections in HAT text files.
  • Windows: fixed file progress indicators when handling files larger than 2 GB.
  • Added scrollbars in Save Setup tab pages if all items do not fit in window.
HAT 5.4 . 2008-11-04
  • Fixed a memory bug in dimension expression conversion when the expression becomes longer.
  • Fixed a database bug with card reallocation.
HAT 5.4b4 . 2008-10-27
  • Norwegian translation updated.
  • Windows: fixed the version resource to correctly show information under Vista.
  • Windows: fixed a bug that caused a userkey to be forgotten in certain cases.
HAT 5.4b3 . 2008-09-30
  • Added date operators in Time and Component Functions.
  • Updated HAT file version number to "080813"
  • Added -filter, -templates and -subsets options in OpenTemplate macro command.
  • Added WebHATServer macro command.
  • Web-HAT: added default document-root="../webhat/" in hat.cgi for macintosh OS X.
HAT 5.4b2 . 2008-06-18
  • Fixed popup window menu bug that prevented selecting menu items in 5.4b1.
  • Added fast reordering of columns in Time and Component Functions.
  • Added Component Functions formula operations: count, product, average, geometric mean, max and min.
HAT 5.4b1 . 2008-05-28
  • Fixed Component Functions formula calculation order: previously the "Sum of lower levels" did not affect the source values of the other formulas.
HAT 5.4a6 . 2008-05-14
  • Added "File Origin" in database options, cards and lines analysis.
  • Redesigned defpage pictures.
HAT 5.4a5 . 2008-04-30
  • Windows: added XP and Vista style user interface.
  • Added speed in horisontal scroll with scroll arrows.
HAT 5.4a4 . 2008-04-21
  • Added SIE4 file format in Save Setup.
  • Added setting for automatic recalculation in the program preferences.
  • Removed the user interface setting from the program preferences.
  • Removed the diagonal vs center dragging setting from the program preferences.
  • Removed the Do-Don't alert setting from the program preferences.
  • Windows: changed alerts messages to use verbs in buttons.
  • Windows: changed minimum platform requirements to Windows 2000.
  • Windows: added compatibility for Windows Vista.
  • Windows: file type association moved from HKCR to HKCU.
  • Added date operators for DeleteCards macro command.
  • Added macro command OpenFile.
  • Added macro command OpenURL.
  • Added functions dim, level, dimlevel, leaf in Component Functions.
  • Added option to export stacked dimensions in separate columns.
HAT 5.4a3 . 2008-02-14
  • Minor bug fixes.
HAT 5.4a2 . 2008-02-12
  • Added support for html, file, card, macro and template links.
    More info in technical notes.
  • Added notes search box in analysis layouts.
  • OS X: added support for offline volume mounting (alias records).
  • OS X: added support for POSIX-style long filenames.
  • Added -x and -w selectors for Components and Component Functions in {expansiondata}.
  • Changed license dialog layout to support long company names.

Earlier release notes for HAT 5.3.