Command Line Options

Windows version of HAT includes some features that can be invoked on command line. To use these, open the "Command Prompt" ("MS-DOS Prompt" under Windows 95), and type HAT followed by the the options.

For example, you can update the file type information of HAT files by typing the command:
HAT /associate

You can also create a shortcut to the HAT.exe file and add options to the shortcut.

  1. Create the shortcut by right-clicking HAT.exe
  2. Right-click the newly created shortcut and take "Properties"
  3. Select "Shortcut" tab
  4. Locate the "Target:" edit box. It contains current path to HAT.exe
  5. Append one space character and the command line option to it.
    For example: "C:\Program Files\HAT\HAT.exe" /confignt
  6. Click "OK" for the "Properties" window
  7. Rename your new shortcut file to whatever you like

General options available under Windows 95/98/me, NT 4 and Windows 2000:

  • /associate
    This command updates the system registry information for .hat and .hax files. They will be shown with correct icons and they can be opened by double clicking them directly.
    Note on Windows NT and 2000: You need to log on as an administrator to make the association.
  • /regserver
    This command registers HAT as an OLE-server.
    All necessary class definitions are inserted to the system registry.
  • /unregserver
    This command ends using HAT as an OLE-server.
    All HAT-specific classes are removed from the system registry.
  • /bootcheck
    This command checks that HAT can communicate with the HAT-processor.

Options available under Windows 95/98/me only:

  • /instvxd
    This command modifies parameters in the system.ini file for the HAT-processor driver. It looks the system for a built-in PC Card reader and configures the driver accordingly. If there is a PC Card reader, only the Plug & Play driver is enabled. Otherwise the HAT-box serial driver is enabled. The PCMCIA Card Services driver is always disabled. You can modify these settings either by using /configvxd command (described below) or by editing the system.ini file directly.
  • /uninstvxd
    This command removes all referencies from the system.ini file to the HAT-Processor.
  • /configvxd
    This command shows a configuration dialog for the HAT-processor driver.

Options available under Windows NT 4 only:

  • /instnt
    This command makes the necessary changes in the system registry to run HAT-Processor device driver.
    Note: You need to log on as an administrator to do the installation.
  • /uninstnt
    This command removes all referencies from the system registry to the HAT-Processor device driver.
    Note: You need to log on as an administrator to do this.

Options available under Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000 only:

  • /confignt
    This command shows a configuration dialog for the HAT-processor driver.